Horror Film - The Lighthouse

Horror Film - The Lighthouse

The Lighthouse is a psychological horror film from 2019 directed by Robert Eggers, who directed the Witch, and stars Willem Defoe & Robert Pattinson. The film is about two men, Defoe & Pattinson, who are lighthouse keepers, who get stranded on the island where the lighthouse is and follows them as they start to go crazy. The film was shot in black and white and is presented in a nearly square aspect ratio, I thought both of these choices made the film even better as it really gives you that old school feel.

You can’t talk about this film without mentioning how amazing of a job that both Defoe & Pattinson did in their respective roles and I find it a shame that neither of them were nominated for either an Oscar or Golden Globe. They gave everything into these roles and I have always enjoyed Willem Defoe but this film has definitely made me appreciate Robert Pattinson. A film like this makes my decision to not post spoilers in my write-ups a good one, as this film is just one that needs to be seen, and I think the less you know the better. This is one of this films that had me constantly thinking about it well after I had finished the film. I would give The Lighthouse a 8.0.

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